The Home For Life Program runs two computer learning programs, a Senior Computer Club and monthly Learning Cafes.

The Seniors Computer Club is for more experienced computer users. The club meets a few of times a year to share information and learn from guest speakers.

The Learning Cafes run monthly, these volunteer computer help sessions are for people new to technology to learn more about their devices.

Click here to visit our Calendar for dates and times

Home For Life volunteer program South Georgian BaySeniors Computer Club

The Seniors Computer Club is a peer group based in Collingwood that shares information with likeminded people regarding technology and with interesting guest speakers.  Meetings are held a few times a year, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with either a guest speaker or members speaking on various topics.

Senior Computer Learning Cafes

This Home for Life program is an opportunity for attendees to get help learning how to use their devices. The Computer Learning Cafes are a great resource for those new to certain devices, or those wanting to learn more about computing basics. Volunteer Home For Life Computer Pals are available to answer questions and teach the basics in a relaxed, casual, informal environment.

Some Home for Life Computer Pal volunteers provides computer training to new users for things like; how to use a computer, surf the Internet, use email, and some free online services such as Skype which keep people connected to family and friends.

Computer Pals

Computer Pals are Home for Life volunteers who are keen to help others learn how to use their devices.  Assistance is provided in small group learning sessions at the Seniors Computer Learning Cafes, by telephone or occasionally at in-home visits.

Click here to visit our Calendar for dates and times

For more information please contact Patty,
at 705-444-0040 ext. 149,
or email her at [email protected]